
PHOTO MUSEUM 沈黙の海へ works by Sayaka Takasaki

This museum displays in one space all the 13 original works (1.5m wide and 1m long) from the photo book "To the Ocean of Silence" by the photographer Sayaka Takasaki. The book is a collection of Takasaki’s photographs taken during her solo traversal through the Japanese Alps. Since its release in 2016, the exhibition of the original photographs has traveled to Tokyo, Shizuoka, Osaka and others to commemorate its publication and has been introduced in newspapers and other media. While repeatedly living in the mountains and in the city, Takasaki feels that we, living in the midst of information overload, need a place to experience tranquility. Through conversations with the viewers she met after the publication, Takasaki gradually came to realize that her work could provide such tranquility to the people and began dreaming of a space surrounded by the works of her photo book "To the Ocean of Silence", where visitors could feel the tranquility and recover themselves.  A collector of her works who strongly sympathized with Takasaki's idea and founded this museum out of her own funds. It is the first and exceptional PHOTO MUSEUM that was born from the photo book "To the Ocean of Silence" works by Sayaka Takasaki.

Museum: PHOTO MUSEUM "To the Ocean of Silence" works by Sayaka Takasaki
Annex: PHOTO MUSEUM "To the Ocean of Silence" Annex works by Sayaka Takasaki (Approximately 20 recent works on display)  

Website: https://www.silence-museum.com/

Location: Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture  
By reservation only
Artist: Sayaka Takasaki
Honorary Director: Machiko Ogawa  
Advisory Board: Fumio Nanjo, Seiichi Suzuki
Direction: Yoko Tamura Cooperation: Gallery Ecrunomori

・The location is in Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture (nearest station is Tamanoi Station on the Meitetsu Bisai Line).
・Since the museum is located in a private property, details will be provided after the booking.
・There are 2 parking lots available. 
・Admission is free. (We ask for voluntary donations to maintain the museum.)

写真家・髙﨑紗弥香の写真集「沈黙の海へ」に収められている全作品13点(縦1m×横1.5m)が一つのスペースに展示されている美術館です。写真集「沈黙の海へ」は髙﨑が単独行で日本アルプスを縦断した際撮影した写真を収めたもので、2016年に発売されて以来東京、静岡、大阪などで巡回の出版記念の展覧会を行い、新聞等のメディアでも紹介されました。髙﨑は、山での生活と町での生活を繰り返す中で、自分を含む情報過多の中で生きる現代の人々に静けさを体感する場が必要であることを感じていました。出版を機に出会った鑑賞者との対話を通して、自身の作品が人に静けさをもたらすものであると実感した髙﨑は次第に、一つの夢を持つようになります。写真集「沈黙の海へ」の作品に囲まれたスペース、訪れる人が静けさを感じ自分を取り戻すような場が世界の地に生まれること。このミュージアムはその髙﨑の思いに強く共感したコレクター(当館館長)が私財を投じて設立したものです。初のPHOTO MUSEUM「沈黙の海へ」works by Sayaka Takasakiとなり、同時に世界でも稀有な「写真集から生まれた美術館」が誕生しました。


名称:PHOTO MUSEUM「沈黙の海へ」works by Sayaka Takasaki
付帯施設:PHOTO MUSEUM「沈黙の海へ」ANNEX works by Sayaka Takasaki(近作紹介約20点)   

Website: https://www.silence-museum.com/

ディレクション:田村燿子 協力:GALLERYエクリュの森


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〒411-0035 静岡県三島市大宮町2-16-21 伸和ビル
Mobile : 090-5115-1687


Gallery Ecrunomori
Shinwa Bldg.2-16-21 Omiya-cho, Mishima-city, Shizuoka 411-0035 Japan
Mobile : 090-5115-1687